Labor Day weekend I went to Tonawanda, where I grew up to celebrate my father's 60th birthday with him. He was born September 3rd, 1950. This was a special trip as my father didn't know my family was coming, he was really surprised when we all jumped out of the back bedroom at my brother's house. The great thing about this trip is that there was nothing really planned. Nothing touristy for my kids, no picnics, parties, or other people to see. What happens when we have no plans are often the most special times. Our families played games, went fishing, and visited a small park not far from where I grew up. What does this have to do with my grandfather you ask?
It was on Saturday, when we went fishing that it started to click with me. I started to notice the man my father has become since he has retired and started down some new roads in his life. He is now the rock my aunts and uncles lean on to take care of grandma, he is a loving husband who looks after my Mom everyday, he is also the grandfather that I adored so much. There's a great country song titled, "I'm seeing my father in me" I'm not sure who sang it, but it is resonating with me from our weekend get away. I can't help, but see how much my Father is like my grandfather was. This weekend he taught my kids things they had never done before, a board game, how to bait your hook, how to play long and short in basketball, how to make your time with your family memorable.
My memories of my grandfather are so vivid, we shared a lot of special times together, playing games of cards, fishing, boating, eating, laughing, all of these are held close to my heart and I think about them often. The memories came flooding back this weekend and I'm proud to see the legacy he has left for this extended family of ours. I can't help, but think of my Grandfather and what he must have been thinking 60 years ago when my Dad was born. I wonder if he carefully thought out all the things he would teach his new born son. I know he is looking down from heaven and is very proud of the man my father has become. He is proud of a son that loves his family, that loves his country and loves his friends. Did he have a plan to teach him all this? I doubt it. This is who my Grandfather was as well. This is who my Dad is now, this is who I pray I will be one day. The legacy will continue.
I pray for the strength to teach my son Nick all the things that my grandfather taught my dad, and that my dad has passed down to me. I pray that he will grow up to be the man that my grandfather was, who my dad is, and who I hope to be one day. I hope one day he will show his grandson how to shoot a foul shot, and ask him those words that I so loved to hear when I was a kid, "wanna go fishin?"
Happy Birthday Dad! Miss you Gramps, and Love ya Nick!
Love Always,
Your son, Your Grandson, Your Dad,