Tomorrow is the first day of school of the 2010 - 2011. There is an energy present at the beginning of each year that I wish we could bottle up and save for those days when we grow weary. Adults are motivated to take students further in their learning they have ever thought possible. We believe that our students will run through the walls for us, that they will come to school each day excited about what their teacher has to tell them and share with them.
Students will also come in tomorrow filled with curiosity. What will my teacher be like, who will be in my class, what time is lunch and what time is specials? How much homework will I get and will my teacher like me. They believe they will reach the honor roll each marking period, they will ace each test, they will be the one their teachers call on and praise for getting the answers correctly.
Parents will be excited their children are no longer telling them they are bored. They will be encouraged by the first impressions and communications this years teacher shares with them. They will encourage their children to do what the teacher tells them, do their homework, read each night.
Yes this bottle of energy would be very valuable in February and March. To save all of these things and pour it on our partners when we feel defeated, when the hours seem like days, and the days like weeks.
My wish for each of us tomorrow is that we will remember what today feels like and that each day when we come to school we have the same energy that we have tomorrow. Capture the energy, capture the excitement, and use it to engage and enrich your school year this year!