In Mathew, Mark and Luke there is a story of how Jesus walked up to Mathew and said two words, "Follow Me". Mathew reacted as any of us would if Jesus said "Follow Me" he got up and followed him. What he did next is what is most exciting, yet also what many of us fail to do. Mathew took the next step.
In many of these stories the next verse goes on to say that Mathew invited Jesus to dinner with other "tax collectors" some Bibles may say "other scum", or "other sinners." Mathew was a sinner, he associated with sinners, just like all of us. We are all sinners and we associate with other sinners. Mathew had the courage to follow Jesus like many of us have when he called us. But more importantly Mathew had the courage to invite him to dinner with his non-believing friends.
To put it into modern day terms ... Jesus walks up to a drug dealer on the street and says follow me. The drug dealer does, but that night the drug dealer brings Jesus to dinner with all his other drug dealing friends. He wants to share what he has just received with other sinners.
Mathew didn't wait until he got to know Jesus a little better, he didn't study his bible a little harder, he wasn't afraid of being made fun of by his friends, he didn't care if he was called a Jesus freak. He stepped to the front of the room, and introduced his honored guest. I pray that I would have this same boldness, and I pray that all of you will as well!
Who are you inviting to dinner?