Where does it all end. If we start offering vouchers for people who choose to send their children to private schools where will it all end. If you want to send your child to a private school great, but it doesn't mean you get to take out your money from the fund balance that has built this great nation we live in. Let's seriously think about this.
There are roads in the state of NC that I will never drive on. Should I get a voucher for this? Thank God I have never been unemployed, should I ask for a voucher for my tax dollars that go to that? I'm lucky enough to have a job that gives me good medical benefits, should I get a voucher for my tax dollars that go to people who are medicaid or medicare, what a travesty that would be. Most of you that know me know I haven't missed many meals. My income allows me to put food on the table for my family, should I ask my government for a voucher because I don't use food stamps? I'll probably never see social security, should I ask for my voucher now? How about those disabled veterans, shouldn't I get my money back from them? I never served in the armed forces. Oh yeah and those people that are fighting that war overseas, protecting the very freedom that allows me some very important civil rights formed from our U.S. constitution, I don't think it's necessary for you to be there, I'll be waiting on my voucher. My house has a mortgage and I could use some of those tax dollars that go to public housing to help me out with that, can someone please get on this soon.
Why do some people now think because they don't go to public school they should get their tax money back! Seriously people, we have to get heads on straight, where does it all end?
The American System of schooling is the greatest system in the entire world. No where else on the face of this planet is there a system that can boast of what we do. We take every child, yes EVERY child. Regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or disability. If your homeless you go to school, your parents incarcerated come on in. You think you might drop out, let's see how we can get you to graduate. Severe learning disability, we'll find a way to help you make it. Sensory impairment, we have a teacher for you too. For those that are severely and profoundly disabled, guess what, not only will we admit you in our schools here in America, but we'll let you start at age three, and hang around until your 22nd birthday. Not only that, but if you qualify, we'll give you free lunch a breakfast as well. There's another secret, schools are full of these wonderful people called teachers. Most of them are legacies in the schools and communities they work in. No not all are perfect, but there are grown men and women around this world that tell stories about how their lives have been changed by these people. Oh wait one more thing, in most states they do it for very little money and very little gratitude from many stakeholders. Play sports, yeah we have them too. Like to work on cars, we can teach you a few things about that as well. Maybe you think you're not college bound, well after we try to talk you out of that for 13 years, we'll still find a way for you to be successful when you leave our free system of schools.
Several years ago a great man named Horace Mann had a great idea about how we could make this nation great. Providing a common school for common people. He believed proving this public system of school would unify our nation and make us stronger, this was in the 1830's. Interestingly enough Mann was a Republican. Look how far we've come!
We've gone from a belief of unification to one of separation. School vouchers weaken our nation. It creates a cast system. It further divides relationships between racial and socio-economic groups. It allows some schools to play by one set of rules and other schools to play by the real set of rules, similar to the way that Charter schools are functioning right now.
Some argue they want their children to go to a Christian school, well if we look at what the latest survey says 80% of people say they are Christian, so let's just put God back in schools, pray for the other 20% and be on with it. Sooner or later our kids will be exposed to people that don't have the same spiritual beliefs. isn't it ironic that Jesus walked the earth with the people that needed him the most, not the ones that felt they were righteous.
I love the fact that Horace Mann thought to use the word common schools for common people, and now here we are with no common sense!
Thank you and Good Night!